Вышел апгрейд Fortius software, версия 2.03
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- От Toxa (Руководитель проекта) Дата 2008-12-01 21:15
Fortius Menu Software
version 2.03
date 14-11-2008
􀂃 The new widescreen Real Life Video's are supported on the current Fortius version.
􀂃 The Multiplayer Master server has moved to another provider and the users accounts
have been updated with access to the new Tacxvr.com website.(available Q4 2008)
􀂃 Real Life Video info popups (activate)
􀂃 Real Life Video negative opponents distance solved
􀂃 Real Life Video Time and Score improved (finish)
􀂃 Real Life Video Vista white screen problem solved
􀂃 Update Drivers Vista and XP (new driver installer)
􀂃 Catalyst negative opponents distance solved
􀂃 New CVI installer for support of the DLL
􀂃 Recognition T1904 VRi-Magic USB interface
􀂃 Virtual Speed active with the T1932 and T1904 (dll change)
Fortius Virtual Reality
version 2.03
date 14-11-2008
􀂃 Extreme MTB demo
􀂃 Name change in the Olympus world. Remark: due to this change it could be possible that you
loose certain save files of the Olympus world.
Fortius Analyser
version 3.3.2
date 16.10.2008
􀂃 The Analyser now supports power measures above 999W.
􀂃 The Analyser now correctly displays US formatted dates for sorting.
􀂃 The Analyser now supports the BikeNet score upload function to upload your good
scores to the Tacxvr.com website for others to compete with your achievement. Both
Catalyst and basic RLV scores are supported.
Remark: If you have a T1942 USB interface (Fortius interface), the software may ask you to
install the driver twice. However, doing this once is sufficient.
Предыдущая Следующая Вверх Тема Байк и около него / Сервисный центр Tacx - Велотренажеры / Вышел апгрейд Fortius software, версия 2.03 (5604 просмотров)

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